
Lloyd, B. and Usiskin, M. (2022) ‘The CommunityTable: developing art therapy studios on, in-between and across borders’, in ContemporaryPractice in Studio Art Therapy, Routledge.

Lloyd, B. and Usiskin, M. (2020) 'Reimagining an emergency space: practice innovation within a frontline art therapy project on the France-UK border at Calais', International Journal of Art Therapy: 25:3, 132-142.

Usiskin, M., Lloyd, B. and Press, N. (2020) 'Temporary, Portable, Virtual: making galleries on the France-UK border at Calais' in Art Therapy in Museums and Galleries: Reframing Practice, edited by Coles, A. and Jury, H. published by Jessica Kingsley, London.

Lloyd, B., Press, N. and Usiskin, M. (2018), ‘The Calais Winds took our plans away: Art therapy as shelter’, Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 9:2,pp. 171–84, doi: 10.1386/jaah.9.2.171_1.

Kalmanowitz, D. and Lloyd, B. (2016), ‘Art therapy at the border:Holding the line of the kite’, Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 7: 2, pp.143–58, doi:10.1386/jaah.7.2.143_1.

Kalmanowitz, D. and Lloyd, B. (2011) ‘Inside out Outside in: Portable Studio and Found Objects’, in Artin Action: Expressive Arts Therapy and Social Change, edited by Levine, E.G, and Levine, S.K, published by Jessica Kingsley.

Kalmanowitz, D. & Lloyd,B. (eds) (2005) 'Art therapy and Political Violence: with art, without illusion', London, New York: Routledge.

Kalmanowitz, D. and Lloyd,B. with Beagley, S.; Miller, F.; Kälin, A. and  Murphy, J. (2002) ‘Inhabiting the uninhabitable: the use of art making with teachers in South West Kosovo,’ The Arts in Psychotherapy (special issue), 29 (1): 41-52.                    

Kalmanowitz, D. and Lloyd B. (1999) ‘Fragments of art at work: art therapy in the former Yugoslavia,’ The Arts in Psychotherapy (special issue), 26 (1): 15-25. 

Kalmanowitz D. and Lloyd B. (1998) ‘A Question of Translation: Transporting Art Therapy to KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa', in Dokter, D. (ed.) Arts Therapies, Refugees and Migrants: Reaching Across Borders, London: Jessica Kingsley Publications.          

Kalmanowitz, D. and Lloyd B. (1997) The Portable Studio: Art Therapy and Political Conflict: initiatives in former Yugoslavia and South Africa. London: Health Education Authority.

‘OLMYPICS” (2012) - photographic postcard collection with Caroline Christie, On Site Arts

‘Choreographies’ (2012), Bobby Lloyd, photo essay for Cullinan Studios, The Foundry, London N1

Photo-essay with housed Traveller families (2009), with Caroline Christie, Inside Housing Magazine

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